BC: Bear Cat
The Boy: Momma's fiance
MK: Momma Kat
EM: Do de do ...

BC: I see you up there on the table ignoring me!
BC: Come down here so I can beat you up properly! You can't stay up there forever!
EM: I didn't do anything!
BC: Are you my little ... err ... FAT sister?
EM: I guess.
BC: Then that's what you did! The table can't save you ...
EM: Whatever. You sleep and then take a break to eat ... you're more likely to leave the room first.
BC: I'm a busy cat! TOO busy to sit here and wait for you to come down for your just hurts.
EM: My what?
BC: Just hurts!
EM: You mean "just desserts?"
BC: Don't try to trick me! I know what I'm talking about!
EM: Moron.
BC: More-on the table. Hahahahaha.
EM: Shut up.
BC: Look, Momma! Smellie is so fat, her rear end looks like an elephant!

EM: Haha.
The Boy: Wouldn't that make her an Ellie-phant?
BC: You're not funny.
MK: That was a little funny.
BC: Maybe just a teeny tiny bit ...
EM: What's YOUR excuse, Bear?
BC: I'm virile ... masculine ... sturdy!
EM: Just because you use your claws and fangs doesn't mean you're any of those! A REAL man doesn't need to beat others up!
EM: For an elephant!
BC: Elephants aren't fluffy! BOO-YAH! You lose ...
EM: Your backside makes a better elephant than mine!

BC: I'm not an elephant ... YOU'RE an elephant!
The Boy: Ellie-phant.
BC: ZIP IT! It wasn't funny enough to repeat.
The Boy: Well, I thought ...
BC: Did I ASK what you thought?! Though I must admit that I'm surprised you think.
The Boy: HEY! I could say the same about you!
BC: NO. I think with my claws and fangs.
EM: And I'm cute!
BC: That's debatable. Maybe for a barn.
EM: HEY! Being cute is my meal ticket! Without being cute, I'd be SCREWED, like you!
BC: HEY! Everyone says I'm adorable!
EM: When you're asleep ... which doesn't count!
BC: {seeing something he's never seen before} Wait a ... what's THIS?!?!
EM: Our new carrier ...
BC: SHHHHH! Can't you see I'm busy?!
{Pause as Bear walks around the new item}

BC: WHOA! It's a spaceship!
MK: Ummm ... not EXACTLY.
BC: You finally got me a spaceship! My VERY OWN NEW spaceship.
MK: Not exactly ...
BC: My very own USED spaceship?
MK: Not exactly ...
BC: {GASP} You stole it from Gary and Larry! They're here! I KNEW it!
EM: Daddy's been here forever! Even you couldn't miss that!
BC: What are you talking about?
EM: Daddy's name is Larry and you said he and Gary are here.
BC: NO! They're aliens!
EM: Daddy's an alien?
BC: I wonder why they're here ... to abduct me and mine my vast intellect? To explore? Hmmmm. Wait a ... how did my banana get in here?!?! {GASP} Gary and Larry are trying to steal my catnip banana!

{Pause as Bear climbs inside the "spaceship"}
BC: Beam me up ... RATS! Who am I supposed to tell to beam me up?

EM: I thought you wanted to lift off in the spaceship. Being beamed up is different.
BC: {climbing out of the "spaceship" to square off with Ellie} Guys don't like know-it-alls!
EM: Only because they feel threatened in their ignorance.
BC: Shut up! I deserve the proper respect! {AHEM}

BC: {to the tune of "Rocket Man" by Elton John}
I packed my bag last night pre-flight.
I gave you all goodbye bites.
BC: Come down here so I can beat you up properly! You can't stay up there forever!
EM: I didn't do anything!
BC: Are you my little ... err ... FAT sister?
EM: I guess.
BC: Then that's what you did! The table can't save you ...
EM: Whatever. You sleep and then take a break to eat ... you're more likely to leave the room first.
BC: I'm a busy cat! TOO busy to sit here and wait for you to come down for your just hurts.
EM: My what?
BC: Just hurts!
EM: You mean "just desserts?"
BC: Don't try to trick me! I know what I'm talking about!
EM: Moron.
BC: More-on the table. Hahahahaha.
EM: Shut up.
BC: Look, Momma! Smellie is so fat, her rear end looks like an elephant!
EM: Haha.
The Boy: Wouldn't that make her an Ellie-phant?
BC: You're not funny.
MK: That was a little funny.
BC: Maybe just a teeny tiny bit ...
EM: What's YOUR excuse, Bear?
BC: I'm virile ... masculine ... sturdy!
EM: Just because you use your claws and fangs doesn't mean you're any of those! A REAL man doesn't need to beat others up!
EM: For an elephant!
BC: Elephants aren't fluffy! BOO-YAH! You lose ...
EM: Your backside makes a better elephant than mine!

BC: I'm not an elephant ... YOU'RE an elephant!
The Boy: Ellie-phant.
BC: ZIP IT! It wasn't funny enough to repeat.
The Boy: Well, I thought ...
BC: Did I ASK what you thought?! Though I must admit that I'm surprised you think.
The Boy: HEY! I could say the same about you!
BC: NO. I think with my claws and fangs.
EM: And I'm cute!
BC: That's debatable. Maybe for a barn.
EM: HEY! Being cute is my meal ticket! Without being cute, I'd be SCREWED, like you!
BC: HEY! Everyone says I'm adorable!
EM: When you're asleep ... which doesn't count!
BC: {seeing something he's never seen before} Wait a ... what's THIS?!?!
EM: Our new carrier ...
BC: SHHHHH! Can't you see I'm busy?!
{Pause as Bear walks around the new item}
BC: WHOA! It's a spaceship!
MK: Ummm ... not EXACTLY.
BC: You finally got me a spaceship! My VERY OWN NEW spaceship.
MK: Not exactly ...
BC: My very own USED spaceship?
MK: Not exactly ...
BC: {GASP} You stole it from Gary and Larry! They're here! I KNEW it!
EM: Daddy's been here forever! Even you couldn't miss that!
BC: What are you talking about?
EM: Daddy's name is Larry and you said he and Gary are here.
BC: NO! They're aliens!
EM: Daddy's an alien?
BC: I wonder why they're here ... to abduct me and mine my vast intellect? To explore? Hmmmm. Wait a ... how did my banana get in here?!?! {GASP} Gary and Larry are trying to steal my catnip banana!
{Pause as Bear climbs inside the "spaceship"}
BC: Beam me up ... RATS! Who am I supposed to tell to beam me up?
EM: I thought you wanted to lift off in the spaceship. Being beamed up is different.
BC: {climbing out of the "spaceship" to square off with Ellie} Guys don't like know-it-alls!
EM: Only because they feel threatened in their ignorance.
BC: Shut up! I deserve the proper respect! {AHEM}
BC: {to the tune of "Rocket Man" by Elton John}
I packed my bag last night pre-flight.
I gave you all goodbye bites.
My engines are ready to ignite. Stand back ...
BC: I won't miss earth a bit; Ellie or The Boy.
In space, I'll be the king,
Finally spread my wings.
Finally spread my wings.
BC: And I think it's gonna be a long long time,
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
BC: And I think it's gonna be a long long time,
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
BC: Earth isn't up to a feline's standards.
We're always screwed no doubt,
We're always screwed no doubt,
And so often we are outright slandered.
BC: Lack of proper respect quickly gets old,
Catting is my job, I'm not bold.
A rocket cat, a rocket cat.
A rocket cat, a rocket cat.
BC: And I think it's gonna be a long long time,
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
'Til I'm back, they'll miss me ... on my return,
They'll see I'm much more than they think at home.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a rocket cat.
Rocket cat shooting across space all night.
EM: Good riddance! I hope the rocket slams on your butt! OH! Make sure you leave my banana!
{Pause as Bear climbs back inside the "spaceship"}
BC: I dispute that it's yours ... but what do I need a stupid banana for? HERE!
{Bear tosses the catnip banana out of the "spaceship" and it hits Ellie on the head}
EM: {getting up} HEY!

BC: {with irritation} Quiet in the flea-butt gallery!
EM: The term is "PEANUT" gallery, stupid!
BC: I think you're more a flea-butt than a peanut ... but just to be safe ... quiet in the DWEEBLE gallery! And I'm not stupid! YOU'RE stupid! I mean, you follow The Boy around and suck up to him all the time!

EM: I've seen you on The Boy's lap a time or two ...
BC: {changing the subject} I don't think my bag will fit ... and where do I put my cat tree?! Gary and Larry must be tiny aliens!

BC: Time to go over my list of required supplies. Wet food ... CHECK! Treats ... CHECK. Mousie ... CHECK! Catnip banana ... NOPE.

BC: I dispute that it's yours ... but what do I need a stupid banana for? HERE!
{Bear tosses the catnip banana out of the "spaceship" and it hits Ellie on the head}
EM: {getting up} HEY!
BC: {with irritation} Quiet in the flea-butt gallery!
EM: The term is "PEANUT" gallery, stupid!
BC: I think you're more a flea-butt than a peanut ... but just to be safe ... quiet in the DWEEBLE gallery! And I'm not stupid! YOU'RE stupid! I mean, you follow The Boy around and suck up to him all the time!
EM: I've seen you on The Boy's lap a time or two ...
BC: {changing the subject} I don't think my bag will fit ... and where do I put my cat tree?! Gary and Larry must be tiny aliens!

BC: Time to go over my list of required supplies. Wet food ... CHECK! Treats ... CHECK. Mousie ... CHECK! Catnip banana ... NOPE.
EM: How are you going to open the bag of treats or the cans of food?
BC: Ummmm ... err ... RATS!
{Bear throws the cans of food and bag of treats out of the "spaceship."}
EM: OWWWW! Stop throwing things at me!
BC: Phht. It's not MY fault you make such a huge target!
BC: Bye, Smellie Mae!!! I'm ready for lift-off!
EM: Finally!
BC: Hmmm ... I'm getting a bit sleepy ... it can't really hurt to take a short nap first, right? I mean, bad-a$$ adventurers and explorers rest up for their expeditions. Hmmm ... this is pretty comfy for a spaceship ... SLEEEEEEPY ...

EM: That's because it's NOT a spaceship, dumbo!
BC: I hear that! What else would it be?
EM: The new carrier Momma won! She calls it a "mobile pet bed" ... but who is she fooling?!?
BC: Carrier?!?! Like, "I'm taking you to the vet" kind of carrier?

BC: Well, why didn't you say that before?!?!?
EM: I DID! You told me to shut up!
BC: I'm getting out of here! Better not take any chances ...
{Bear walks over to the bed Ellie's laying on}
BC: MOVE! This is my bed!
EM: HEY! Where am I supposed to sleep?!?
{Bear plops down on the other cat bed}
BC: I'm tired. It's nap time. Hold my calls ...

EM: Wait a ... that's MY ... oh, NUTS!
{Ellie climbs on the love seat to nap}
EM: Hmmm ... like it's MY fault he didn't listen! This isn't NEARLY as comfortable as ... And who does he think he is ANYWAY?!?! He thinks he can take whatever he wants whenever he ...

BC: Hmmm ... I'm getting a bit sleepy ... it can't really hurt to take a short nap first, right? I mean, bad-a$$ adventurers and explorers rest up for their expeditions. Hmmm ... this is pretty comfy for a spaceship ... SLEEEEEEPY ...
EM: That's because it's NOT a spaceship, dumbo!
BC: I hear that! What else would it be?
EM: The new carrier Momma won! She calls it a "mobile pet bed" ... but who is she fooling?!?
BC: Carrier?!?! Like, "I'm taking you to the vet" kind of carrier?
BC: Well, why didn't you say that before?!?!?
EM: I DID! You told me to shut up!
BC: I'm getting out of here! Better not take any chances ...
{Bear walks over to the bed Ellie's laying on}
BC: MOVE! This is my bed!
EM: HEY! Where am I supposed to sleep?!?
{Bear plops down on the other cat bed}
BC: I'm tired. It's nap time. Hold my calls ...

EM: Wait a ... that's MY ... oh, NUTS!
{Ellie climbs on the love seat to nap}
EM: Hmmm ... like it's MY fault he didn't listen! This isn't NEARLY as comfortable as ... And who does he think he is ANYWAY?!?! He thinks he can take whatever he wants whenever he ...

{Loud snoring is heard}
EM: I can't sleep with that racket! Momma?!? We need a spaceship!!! Or a bulldozer!
Featured posts:
- Bear's changed a number of songs to suit him ...
- Bear's Christmas.
- Christmas: Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat Style.
- "On tasty reindeer (part 2 - Christmas day)," from "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 15.
- Kitty Diva or Pop "Tart?" {The blow-out performance of "I'm too sexy" song}.
- How to get to Bear's food bowl.
- Bear, While Momma Sleeps.
- Tiger's Pride. {The "I feel pretty" song}.
- The flea party.
- Bear's adoption application.
- Get ready to crumble.
- Bear: The Musical.
- I did.
- I'm the sea mammal.
- The international chicken incident.
- Things that make you go hmph ...
- Younger siblings SUCK!
- Surreal greatness, part 2.
- Heavy artillery {and Christmas}.
- And a crab cake with a tortie.
- Same thing!
- A new camera and the "D" word.
- Bear vs. Ellie: A showdown.
- Dweeble Mitigation Zone.
- I'd rather be a pretty girl!
- Curious about Gary and Larry, Bear's "aliens?"
- Gary and Larry were introduced in "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 20 {"On Gary and Larry (and Bear's unique take on April Fool's Day)"}.
- Gary and Larry return in "Conversations" With Bear Cat: Part 27 {"Incatnating Bear (Gary and Larry - part 1)," "The lobster (Gary and Larry - part 2)," "The drinking game (Gary and Larry - part 3)," and "* * * - - - * * * ,"} and They've landed.
- Who are the Dweebles? Dweeble Dumb and Dweeble Dumber.
- To read about Bear snuggling with The Boy ... and the confusion about who's really in charge around here ... Who's really in charge around here?!?
- This isn't the first time Bear's packed his suitcase ... The ignominious scandal and Dweeble Dumb and Dweeble Dumber.
Now that's a nice prize! And we luff the color. Mom would luff to win one of those someday.
ReplyDeleteMomma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS!
DeleteThat really is a cool win! Hey you two, we totally think you'll win the space race!
ReplyDeleteTo the MOON! It IS made of cheese, right?! ~Bear Cat
DeleteHey, you guys do look like elephants from behind! That is a pretty cool not-a-spaceship. What a prize! :)
ReplyDeleteMomma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS! We FINALLY got lucky!
DeleteEllie, is that what all girl cats have to put up with if they have a brother? Are all boys a pain in the rump? MOL
ReplyDeleteYES! They are! I wish we DID have a space ship so we could send all the boys to space! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteSleepy Pods do look like spaceships, you've got a point there, Bear! Royal Purple is a gorgeous color!
ReplyDeleteIt is, isn't it?!
DeleteWow, I didn't realize Sleepypods were elephant sized. That's a cool prize. Maybe your Mom will win a spaceship in the next contest she enters.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. We all busted out laughing at your comment :) They SHOULD make elephant-sized SleepyPods!
Deletedood....furst up; happee bee lated birthday two ewe N heerz ta 900 mor anda
ReplyDeleteyeer a head filled with happeez N health ~~~~~~ thurd.....BC and EL...that
IZ a spaceship.....honest ta cod.....if any one noez modez oh craft...itz knot
uz but we still R bettin 18 centz anda sack oh friez....thatz a space ship !!
conga ratz on de win !! ☺☺♥♥
Thank you! Momma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS!
DeleteI have one of those sleepy pods materialise in the room a couple of weeks back, they are awesome. Mine is pink and is great fun to chase things around and through.Maybe yours came with a Tesla in the nose section, now that would be really cool! Now so far as I can tell though they are designed for one cat, solo missions so best make sure you pack only dehydrated tasty chickens and treats!
ReplyDeletedoodle pips and purrs
You won't believe it, Erin! I left to get some noms last night and I came back and ELLIE was in MY spaceship! I was so tempted to hit the rockets! ~Bear Cat
DeleteOriginally my first comment was going to be no that photo doesn't make your tail look big Ellie Mae thenOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY CATS..............DID YOU HEAR A THUNDEROUS ROAR...THAT WAS MOM SHE 'BOUT FELL OUT OF HER CHAIR AT THE 'enhancement' photos. Your mom is way too clever and you might need to take her pen away.
ReplyDeleteHugs madi your bfff
You should've seen it! She was SO proud of herself!
DeleteThat is a great colour for a spaceship, Bear. I think you need to batten down the hatches before you get lift off though.
ReplyDeleteGood point! ~Bear Cat
DeleteSleepyPods looks so awesome. Congrats on the win! We adore Ellie Mae, but that elephant drawing was so funny! Bear you look cute in the SleepyPod, especially with your head resting on the rim. Ellie, have you had a chance to try it yet?
ReplyDeleteThank you! Momma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS!
DeleteYes. Bear took a food break last night and he came back to find me sound asleep! Hehehehehe. ~Ellie Mae
"Ellie-phant"...we must admit, that is pretty funny, and so are your pictures! We're *so* jealous that you won a purple SleepyPod!!! Does this mean you're going to come visit me, Bear? --Mudpie
ReplyDeleteMomma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS! YEEEESSS! We're coming to visit! I don't know that purple is manly ... but it is a pretty color! ~Bear Cat
DeleteWhoa, Bear, that was close! Good thing you got out of there when you did, we don't want to think about where you might really have ended up!
ReplyDeleteEllie-phant.....hee hee, come on, Bear, you have to give the boy some credit for that one!
I almost died! Though I'll give The Boy credit over my dead body ... so you know. ~Bear Cat
DeleteCongrats on winning the sleepy pod. Now, that was not nice to draw an elephant on Ellie's butt and tail. Poor girl. XO
ReplyDeleteThank you! Momma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS! She did the same to me! ~Bear Cat
DeleteThis looks like so much fun! We hope it is televised when you do, so we can watch and cheer! Woo-hoo! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteOooooh! Maybe I can be a tasty whole chicken farmer in space! ~Bear Cat
DeleteHey we got one of those purple things. We didn’t know it was a spaceship. We gotta go for a flight!
ReplyDeleteThe humans didn't think we'd notice! ~Bear Cat
DeleteEllie Mae, we hate to confirm it, but your butt does look like an elephant. Wow a purple SleepyPod...what a great thing to win. We keep our SleepyPods out all the time and use them as beds. They're great. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
ReplyDeleteBear's looks more like an elephant than mine!!! Momma's been stalking SleepyPod give-aways for YEARS - and the purple is a beautiful color. Momma's going to leave ours out all the time too! ~Ellie Mae
DeleteWow, that is so awesome that your momma won the sleepy pod!!! We really want one of those. And you two make the cutest, fluffiest elephants! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks ... we think. ~Bear Cat and Ellie Mae
DeleteWhat a groovy cat pod! Love the purple color, too.
ReplyDeleteWe got lucky for sure!
DeleteBawahahahhahahaa ...I don't think I will ever look at my feline sister Rosie's butt the same way again. Her tail is a bit shorter than yours, but she definitely has the elephant thing going on, too.
ReplyDeleteThat's a very nice purple space ship!
Thank you :)
DeleteYour elephant butts crack us up ! What a pawsome prize ! We're dreaming of a SleepyPod (or rather, Claire is dreaming of it) ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteMomma's been stalking SleepyPod giveaways for years ... you should've seen when she found out she won ... on second thought, never mind. It will just embarrass me! ~Bear Cat
DeleteThat new spaceship of yours Bear is out of this world and the regal purple surely means that you must be a space god! Wow now you can fly yours alongside Manna & Dexter and go where no cats have ever gone before... to explore new worlds... to find planetary delectables! I'm so excited for you! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteGood points! You're so wise, Valentine! ~Bear Cat
DeleteOh MeOW ConCats bear and Ellie on your new carrier. We've been tryin' to win one of those fur years now. MOL We luv the purrple, that's so our color. Bet ya'll are gonna look great in it too. Does that mean some kitty's comin' to BlogPaws? Anyways, have fun. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Momma's been stalking SleepyPod giveaways for years too ... you should've seen when she found out she won ... on second thought, never mind. It will just embarrass me! I don't think Ellie or I are up to the Conference ... we're just going to be stylin' in comfort on our way to the vet. ~Bear Cat