Before today's post, a confession.
Friends, it's time for us to level with you all. You might've noticed we've been struggling to get out new content and keep up with blogging. You might remember that Bear was diagnosed with pancreatitis due to IBD roughly a year ago. When I couldn't get Bear to eat the diet that was recommended for the IBD, we had to put him on budesonide. We were very conservative and opted not to go with prednisone since that can cause cats to be diabetic. When Bear went to the vet for his yearly wellness visit in October, the blood screen showed that Bear's blood sugar was high. Later that week, after another test, he was diagnosed with diabetes. Since late October, I've been researching best practices for treatment as we waited to see if a change of diet would bring his numbers down a bit. For months, I was almost paralyzed with indecision because the vet's advice was directly contradicted by much of the advice I found online. After extensive home testing and experimenting, I became confident that the budesonide, though a steroid, wasn't responsible for Bear's high blood sugar. Unable to get him or his sister to eat enough wet food, I finally settled on a high quality, low carbohydrate kibble - hoping that would bring Bear's numbers down enough that we wouldn't have to put him on insulin. After two weeks of transitioning to the new food, Bear was in such excruciating pain from his IBD that he could barely walk. As sometimes happens when inflammation sets in, his blood sugar didn't get better, but worse. Bear was due back at the vet for a follow up - but his symptoms elevated this to an emergency. The vet and I had some disagreements over the situation - mainly because of what I'd found with my extensive research. It really hard to know what to do with all the competing information! Obviously, my first concern is Bear and how we get him to be as healthy as he can be for a fourteen-year-old cat. Ideally, I'd like to get Bear on a lower carb diet - wet or raw - but my first concern was minimizing his pain and stabilizing his IBD. For now, his IBD has calmed down a bit - and with Bear being on insulin for the past week, so has his blood sugar. We're still not as low as we should be in terms of blood sugar - that's going to be an ongoing battle. As with most chronic conditions, success isn't measured in one or two battles - but over the long term. The last five months have been very hard for us - and I've been struggling with humor in favor of a pretty deep depression. This all has been too painful to talk about - even for a blogger, I couldn't find the right words. If you read Imperfectly perfect ... together: The power of one cat's love, you know Bear saved my life many times over and I owe him everything. The thought of living without him seems so impossible. Plus, when your star isn't feeling so good, the antics you've come to expect from Momma's Handsome Stripe-y Pants - that inspire the posts on this blog - dry up and vanish into thin air.
Today's post:
BC: Bear Cat Kat [handsome tabby cat and Momma's Handsome Stripe-y Pants]
EM: Ellie Mae Kat [black, gorgeously floofy cat]
MK: Momma Kat [Bear and Ellie's human Momma, named Kat]
The Boy: Momma's fiance
EM: But I don't know the number.
BC: My lawyer's number is scratched into the side of my litter box!
EM: NO! I don't know the number for 911!
BC: @*#& your *!&@ or I'll *&@( your &^@@! *(## your *)@( &@^$ing ##*@!
BC: NINE ... ONE ... ONE.
EM: But ...
EM: OH! You mean the numbers are NINE - ONE - ONE. I can only count to six and nine isn't part of that!
BC: Oh, that's just PERFECT! My Momma's killing me and my sister can't count higher than six! If Momma takes out six treats and then gives you three more ... how many treats do you have?
EM: Err ... more than you? Because we usually only get six treats.
BC: She gives me three more too! So how many treats do we each have?
EM: OH! I know this! THE SAME NUMBER!
MK: Did you just fart?
EM: No ...
EM: Oh. You meant Bear.
MK: Stop it!
BC: I've had it WOMAN!
EM: A LADY monster? That's new. In stories, it's always a MALE monster. I wonder why that is ... I wonder if DADDY is a monster.

BC: You won't take me alive!
EM: OH NO! I'm hiding and NEVER coming out EVER again!
MK: Ironic how sick you've been acting ... but stick you in a carrier and you're JUST FINE.
MK: Quit the drama.
EM: {from her hiding spot} Murder? Momma's feeding Bear to the monster? And his ... err ... HER name is Carrier?
MK: Bear, I meant you haven't been feeling well and if we don't get you checked out, you could be in big trouble.
EM: {from her hiding spot} That's true. He's barfed on my scratchers and then I was kind of sorry for *&*@ing him off.
BC: BEAR CAT KAT DOESN'T FORGET! I already have several barfs lined up for you ...
EM: Is the plural of barf barfs or barves?
BC: WHO CARES?!?! Momma said she's going to put me in trouble.
MK: Not that kind of trouble.
EM: {from her hiding spot} Aww ...
BC: On second thought ... yeah, she is.
EM: {from her hiding spot} HEY!

BC: Are you under the bed?
EM: Err ... NO?
BC: Is your rear end hanging out from under the bed because it's too big to fit under the bed?
EM: SHUT UP! Oh, great. Now I need to find a new hiding spot.
BC: Tell The Boy that I liked snuggling with him.
MK: Yep. See? You are sick!
BC: Err ... I left out the "not."
MK: Uh huh. What's your favorite treat?
BC: Tuna?
MK: AHA! You ARE sick!
EM: {from her new hiding spot} Wait ... wanting tuna means a cat is sick? I must be sick too! {GASP} What if I'm DYING?
BC: I could've told you that! I'm SICK! Of tricky Mommas!
MK: Pull your tail in, dude.
BC: Leave my tail out of this!
EM: {from her new hiding spot} OH, NO! Our tails are in danger? At least my tail is a real tail. You take Bear's little string and eh ... no biggie. But my tail is floofy and pretty and the pride of my back side! No, wait. It's the pride of ALL of my sides.
EM: {from her new hiding spot} Oops. But that brings up a good point ... your stripes make your butt look bigger than it really is, but why don't they make your tail look like a normal tail instead of that little ...
BC: That's it, you *(!*@ **$% &@(!
EM: {from her new hiding spot} Uh oh. Now I really did it. I better hide my scratchers so Bear can't barf on them.

EM: {from her new hiding spot} WHAT?! WHAT'S HAPPENING? She's shoving you where? The monster? Named Carrier?
{Ellie hears the sound of a door closing}
EM: Momma? BEAR? MOMMA?!?! BEAR?!?! Where did everyone go? HELLO?!
EM: Is it safe to come out? MOMMA? BEAR?!?! Oh, no! I'm alone!
EM: I'm coming out!
EM: No, wait. What if this is a trap? The monster that ate Bear and Momma might still be here.
EM: But I'm hungry! Maybe this is the BEST time to come out. I mean, the monster would be full of Momma and Bear and would surely be napping, right? I can just sneak out ... and bring my food bowl back. And my catnip banana. Oh! And a sparkle ball! Sparkle balls always make me feel better. Like laps.
EM: OH NO! I'm NEVER going to have a lap EVER AGAIN?!?
EM: I better get my lap bed too!
EM: But wait ... will that fit [top secret hiding spot]?
EM: I need a scratcher.
EM: What am I going to do for a litter box? But that's too heavy. Maybe I can have Momma help me.
EM: Wait. I'M. ALL. ALONE!!
EM: Hmm ... it's pretty quiet without everyone else here ...

EM: I can think it's so quiet!
EM: Hmm ... what should I think about?
EM: Tuna! What about tuna ...
EM: Tuna is tasty. Tunas live in the ocean. Tuna is REALLY tasty. Err ... oh! Sparkle balls.
EM: Sparkly. Fun. Pretty. Fun.
EM: Hmm ... maybe this thinking thing is overrated. I'm bored. Now I'm hungry. And I want to play with my sparkle balls. HELLO?!?
EM: ARE ANY MONSTERS HERE? HELLO?! Are you going to eat me?
EM: Hmmm ... maybe I could make FRIENDS with the monster. We could stay up and tell secrets and braid each others' fur ... monsters have fur, right?
EM: CARRIER?!? MS. MONSTER? Are you here!?! Do you want to be friends? I'm a nice cat! Err ... unlike my brother who's probably giving you lots of gas and indigestion. Don't worry - he has the same effect on the rest of us! Of course, we've never eaten him. Yuck. BOYS.
EM: Do you like hugs? Because I could use a ... {GASP}.
EM: DO YOU HAVE A LAP? If you're a monster, you must have a HUGE lap! But you have to pinkie swear not to eat me!
EM: Do you have a pinkie, Ms. Monster? That's such an ugly name. We'll call you Mona.
EM: Mona, do you like tuna? Because if you have thumbs to open a can, I can definitely hook us up.
EM: Wow. You're really quiet. That's okay. I like to talk.

EM: I'm coming out now!
EM: Where are you?
{Looking around}
EM: Mona?
EM: Don't be shy! I'm a nice cat! I promise! I'm sorry I hid from you. That must make you FEEL like a monster! But that was before I knew you!
EM: Hello? Are you hiding in the pantry? Because the thought of that canned tuna has really got my belly a bit rumbly.

EM: OH! This is a GAME! We're playing hide and seek! I LOVE playing! My brother never plays with me. He's a jerk. Was a jerk. Now that you ate him. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE DESERVES!
EM: Are you under the couch?
EM: Oh! I know! You're in the bathtub!

EM: Nuts.
{The front door opens and Ellie runs toward it}
EM: Mona?
BC: &#(@ your *#@(# or I'm going to *#&! you up!
MK: Will you just SHUT UP for ten seconds?
EM: Momma? Bear? Where's Mona?
BC: How the &(#@ should I know? Momma just threw me in the car ...
EM: Oh. So Mona's name is really Car?
BC: Momma, you better take Smellie in because she's talking nonsense. She might have a head injury.
BC: On second thought ... she never makes sense.
EM: You guys LEFT me! I was all alone!

BC: Believe me, you got the best end of that deal.
EM: But I wanted to go with you!
EM: What's that smell?
BC: HEY! Get that nose out of my grill! Haven't I been through enough today?
EM: {GASP} The thermometer place!
BC: Hey now! Those are my unmentionables.
EM: {turning on Momma} WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?
MK: Oh, for the love ...
BC: Hey! I thought you were trying to punish her!
EM: I'm glad you survived.
BC: Phht. Momma's glad SHE survived.
EM: I'm going to give Momma a piece of my mind.
BC: Don't spend it all in one place.
EM: What?
MK: Any hungry kitties?
EM: But I haven't told Momma off yet!
BC: Fine. Then I'll eat both of our treats.
EM: HEY! Don't be greedy! MOMMA! Bear's going to eat all MY treats!
MK: Don't worry. I saved some for you.
EM: OH! SEVEN treats! I got an extra one!
BC: Can't count past six, huh?
EM: With proper motivation ...
BC: Women.
EM: Err ... so there's no Mona? Because I want a friend ...
MK: How about a lap?
BC: HEY! HEY! Not so fast! I'm SICK! I get to go first! I might not live long enough to get my turn otherwise!

EM: I'm sick of you always going first!
Featured posts:
Bear's adventures in a carrier and at the vet are legendary ...
Kitty trauma drama.
Bear's pay-back [Kitty trauma drama, part 2].
Giggles McGiggly.
Coordinated holding cells.
Bear's [beyond, then NOT] bad day, Part 2.
Meow McQuacky-Pants & Bear's Food Time.
Let's talk about ... WORMS?!?
Bear's cat rapping show hits the road.
Bear's cat rapping show hits the road, part 2.
Idioms for idiots.
EM: Where are you?
{Looking around}
EM: Mona?
EM: Don't be shy! I'm a nice cat! I promise! I'm sorry I hid from you. That must make you FEEL like a monster! But that was before I knew you!
EM: Hello? Are you hiding in the pantry? Because the thought of that canned tuna has really got my belly a bit rumbly.

EM: OH! This is a GAME! We're playing hide and seek! I LOVE playing! My brother never plays with me. He's a jerk. Was a jerk. Now that you ate him. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE DESERVES!
EM: Are you under the couch?
EM: Oh! I know! You're in the bathtub!

EM: Nuts.
{The front door opens and Ellie runs toward it}
EM: Mona?
BC: &#(@ your *#@(# or I'm going to *#&! you up!
MK: Will you just SHUT UP for ten seconds?
EM: Momma? Bear? Where's Mona?
BC: How the &(#@ should I know? Momma just threw me in the car ...
EM: Oh. So Mona's name is really Car?
BC: Momma, you better take Smellie in because she's talking nonsense. She might have a head injury.
BC: On second thought ... she never makes sense.
EM: You guys LEFT me! I was all alone!

BC: Believe me, you got the best end of that deal.
EM: But I wanted to go with you!
EM: What's that smell?
BC: HEY! Get that nose out of my grill! Haven't I been through enough today?
EM: {GASP} The thermometer place!
BC: Hey now! Those are my unmentionables.
EM: {turning on Momma} WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?
MK: Oh, for the love ...
BC: Hey! I thought you were trying to punish her!
EM: I'm glad you survived.
BC: Phht. Momma's glad SHE survived.
EM: I'm going to give Momma a piece of my mind.
BC: Don't spend it all in one place.
EM: What?
MK: Any hungry kitties?
EM: But I haven't told Momma off yet!
BC: Fine. Then I'll eat both of our treats.
EM: HEY! Don't be greedy! MOMMA! Bear's going to eat all MY treats!
MK: Don't worry. I saved some for you.
EM: OH! SEVEN treats! I got an extra one!
BC: Can't count past six, huh?
EM: With proper motivation ...
BC: Women.
EM: Err ... so there's no Mona? Because I want a friend ...
MK: How about a lap?
BC: HEY! HEY! Not so fast! I'm SICK! I get to go first! I might not live long enough to get my turn otherwise!

EM: I'm sick of you always going first!
BC: You heard her, Momma. She needs to go to the vet.
EM: {mumbling} Stupid brother ... I wish he'd been eaten by a monster!
BC: I heard that.
© 2020 Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat - Published by K. Kern.
All text, pictures, images, and other content are original and copyright by Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat [K. Kern], 2015-2020. No content on Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat may be used without the owner's [K. Kern] written permission. If you see this post posted on a site that isn't Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat, please contact cats@mommakatandherbearcat.com.
Featured posts:
Bear's adventures in a carrier and at the vet are legendary ...
Kitty trauma drama.
Bear's pay-back [Kitty trauma drama, part 2].
Giggles McGiggly.
Coordinated holding cells.
Bear's [beyond, then NOT] bad day, Part 2.
Meow McQuacky-Pants & Bear's Food Time.
Let's talk about ... WORMS?!?
Bear's cat rapping show hits the road.
Bear's cat rapping show hits the road, part 2.
Idioms for idiots.
Poor Bear. Frosty, Jambie and Barkley are so sorry that you are ill. We love Bear and Ellie and Momma and the boy, too.sending prayers for Bear’s recovery. Linda
ReplyDeleteThank you - it truly means a lot. And Ellie wants you to know you are the bestest foster mom EVER. I have to agree with her :)
DeleteDearest Bear, he is a long suffering guy; first his momma then vet, then the boy then vet, then Ellie, and then the vet. we sure do hope things get stabilized so you can all get back to a normal that is normal for you all ;)
ReplyDeleteEllie, as to Mona, does she have a credit card and or driving license? If yes then go on a roadtrip, order tuna, pizza, and book foreign holidays; you know, all the things humans do whilst their partners are away or out at the vet, MOL
Get well purrs
"normal for you all"
DeleteYou get us :)
We're sending purrs and prayers your way all - stay strong and don't worry about blogging, when you can we'll be here happy to have you back.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I stopped by your blog and I meant to include that I love your theme/template - but I think I forgot to add that to my comment.
DeleteWe sure hate that Bear is having such a hard time, we understand the struggle and we all send our best purrs and hugs to Momma and to Bear. Fight like hell Bear!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. I'm fighting. Let's just say that Momma tests my blood sugar every 12 hours and I've drawn more blood - even per pound - from her than she's got from me. Someone asked her if she ran into the wrong end of a barbed wire fence. Mission accomplished. ~Bear Cat
DeleteWe're sending continued good thoughts. I know how hard it is when your cat is ill.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I felt bad holding it back from our friends - but I'm overwhelmed by the response.
DeleteOh no the Lady monster is just trying to take care of you. Tell her to keep up the research and try other things that might help Bear. It's not easy, even humans have a hard time trying to fix diabetes. Sending head butts and purrs that you get better!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteWe're so sorry that you are ill, Bear. We send you tons of purrs and hope you feel better soon. Purrs
ReplyDeleteThank you. We appreciate that. ~Bear Cat
DeleteBudesonide worked wonders for Chuck; nothing else that we tried had the same effect, and we tried everything. Hoping it does the same for Bear.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's make a HUGE difference over the past year. I can't even imagine going back to where we were without it.
DeleteSo sorry to hear you haven't been well, Bear, and you momma too. We send our love and healing purrs xx
ReplyDeleteAthena and Marie
Thank you :)
DeleteWe’re sorry to hear Bear is having issues. We are all too familiar with pancreatitis. It can affect every cat differently. Since diabetes is connected to the pancreas, it sounds like Bear’s diabetes may be related to his pancreatitis. His pancreatitis is probably a result of having IBD. It’s all so intertwined and complicated. We hope you can find a suitable diet that will help Bear. The mom says if she can help in any way, let her know.
ReplyDeleteYes. I think you are 100% right. I hate using the Rx food - but by far, it's the best Bear's done since we got the IBD diagnosis.
DeleteBear, we're sending you and your wonderful momma tons of purrs and love! In spite of all that's going on you still always manage to put a smile on our faces :)
ReplyDeleteNow that made our day!
DeleteThe Human: We are sending lots of love your way--so sorry to hear about Bear. I would have such a hard time going through it! Frodo sends lots of hugs though he knows Bear would whap him!
ReplyDeleteAMARULA: Come on Bear! I know you're pretending just to get the love and attention you deserve! But seriously pls get better! Sending lots of hugs and kisses!
My dearest Amarula, Don't worry. My Momma tests my blood sugar twice a day and I can tell you WITHOUT A DOUBT that she's shed more blood in the process than I have. Even when you adjust that for relative poundage. ~Bear Cat
DeleteI hope Bear Cat is feeling better soon. Hopefully you'll find some solutions. Sending good thoughts. I wish that I could do more. 💕
ReplyDeleteThank you. I understand what you mean and that is much appreciated.
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear about his complications. I know how hard this is for you. Hugs to you and the furkids.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I knew these days would start eventually ... I just wish I had a couple more years before they started.
DeleteBear, Ellie, MK, I have to tell you; you made me smile a whole lot here. But I also was extra sad for you Bear...you too, Ellie because you are the sweetest girl ever! Love you. Bear, surely you will do better. Mom said she understands the horrible angst. She didn't share it in Admiral's blog much but oh my. Every few days visit to the vet, once in a while a week might pass...and all kinds of things I won't speak of here for it's your momma and Bear that concern me right now.
ReplyDeleteIf love can help, here it is. From me and many others here in the CB. Really. Sincerely.
We'd always love to listen to your stories anytime. It takes a toll when you keep it inside - and I'm pretty good at doing that. We feel your love and concern: It truly does make a difference. Just reading these comments, I had tears running down my face within seconds. That's pretty special and amazing. I probably would've handled this better had I let myself lean on others instead of forging ahead on my own. Maybe I'll learn this time :)
DeleteWe are sending purrayers and POTP for Bear Cat and your whole family.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteOMC...we had no idea about Bear and are so sorry to hear about all the health issues. We also had no idea that he is 14 years old. He looks really young in all his photos. Mom says she can understand how hard it is to be creative and funny when one of your kids is having such serious problems. She is definitely adding Bear to her prayer list. It is unfortunate that we Kitties do not like the special diets. We know Fiona wouldn’t eat the CKD food. Sending lots of purrs and POTP to everyone, but especially Bear. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
ReplyDeleteThank you. I haven't made a big deal about his age, birthdays or gotcha days so most people don't know how old he is. He really didn't slow down until the last year or so - which is another reason why so many people are surprised. Oddly enough, I'm surprised he's eating the diabetic food. He and his sister have turned up their noses at several other varieties of the brand - but I suspect that was a function of the kibble pieces vs. taste.
DeleteAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Bear, we're sorry you're feelin' poorly. We've been meowin' lots of extra purrayers fur ya'. Awnty Kat, we unnerstand your pain and depression and have been meowin' extra purrayers fur you too. Ifin ya' need us, just holler. We're glad nopawdy got ate by the monster. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
We didn't mean to leave you out Ellie. Looks like you've found a great new hidey spot. And, we're sendin' purrayers fur you too. Big hugs
DeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Thank you. We might need to take you up on that. On a lighter note, I think I'd PREFER a monster to watching my baby boy struggle - and we have to hand it to Ellie, she has a way of charming others, so we'd probably end up with two cats and a monster and I bet Bear wouldn't want to share his stuff with TWO siblings.
DeletePoor Bear. I am sorry he has been so sick. I am sorry your vet is giving you conflicting info. Maybe you could try a different place. I will add him to my prayer list. XO
ReplyDeleteThank you. I know you are familiar with these struggles yourself.
DeleteI am sorry that Bear is having so many health problems. Can you find another vet for a second opinion? We had a very good one who would be open to discussing all options. I know though that some are very stuck in their ways and don't like to be questioned. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteOur vet has been a vet for over 40 years - we've taken our rabbit and cats there for pretty close to 30 of those years (Black Spot the rabbit and Kitty were childhood pets). And honestly? I think he's pretty good. He's put up with a lot from me (overprotective Momma) and was downright incredible when Bear had that tumor right after I started our blog. It's obvious that being a vet is his passion and that counts for a lot with me. But we might have to get a second opinion - at least on the nutritional aspect. I'm going to wait and see if his IBD settles down - and how hard or easy it is to control his blood sugar. I might not like the food he's on - but I have to admit, he's done best IBD-wise on it. Thank you.
DeleteKat, my heart hurts for you and Bear. I had no idea as I've kind of pulled away from the blogging part for a while now. Because as you put it, it's hard to find humor some days. I actually have a post started like that. Watching our pets decline is difficult, not being able to help them - sucks. I'm constantly second-guessing myself and wondering if I'm doing the right thing.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you recall, but Delilah had some gastro issues a few years ago. This may or may not help you, but here's what I did. I took her off all wheat. She still gets grain, but nothing with wheat. (Wheat and Roundup. Bad news.) Next, I took her off all proteins except for chicken. (Even though chicken is the protein most pets have allergies to. For Bear, you may consider a novel protein, such as deer, bison or rabbit.) Based on advice from our Holistic Vet, I added a good probiotic to her diet. We use Terra Biota by Biostar, it is exclusively for dogs, but I'm sure there's a good one for cats as well. I kept her on this diet for a good while until her stools began to be firm again. After that, I would occasionally add in turkey or beef, but never for a long time. It really helped.
I also wanted to share with you about my daughter's cat, Ollie. Ollie was diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer, he was given 6 to 12 months with surgery and chemo. He went in for surgery, but had a heart murmur, so they did not operate. Lynn (my daughter) decided to try chemo. It made Ollie sick, so she stopped that. Instead, they went with the steroid shots, knowing at some point it could cause diabetes. Well sure enough, after THREE years, it did. At this point it was treat the diabetes or the cancer, with the diabetes being the more life threatening illness. Lynn started Ollie on insulin and I really can't remember how long he was on it, BUT his glucose levels are so good, he doesn't need any more insulin, so he's currently not taking anything. We do acknowledge that Ollie might possibly be immortal. :-) And we know that not all cats react the same, but I want to give you hope. Bear is still very young and he has an amazing Momma, who will do all she can for him. Please know, whatever you decide it is the RIGHT decision for you and Bear.
I'm here if you need to talk, vent or cry. Lord knows, I know the value in that. Hugs to you my friend.
I haven't read much about IBD and I'm starting to realize that was a huge mistake. I haven't been able to get Bear to eat rabbit - but the novel protein approach might be the right one. I have a feeling our vet isn't going to like that. Bear's having a bad day today so now I'm doubting myself again. UGH! I'm sorry for not keeping in touch - I've missed your sense of humor and friendship.
Deletedood....pleez chex out thiz site ore have yur mom due sew; itz run by an old catster friend, and they iz all sew on facebook; alex's mom dedicated de site two her manee moonz ago N while she doez state she iz KNOT a vet; her haz testimony N research N stuff like that on her site
de link above iz ther own, we iz knot on facebook sew we due knot noe how ta
copee that stuff....
we wish we could sendz sum add vize on de dia beetez but sad lee we canna.... we
CAN send de blessingz oh st francis two ewe; de dood troo lee noez hiz stuff....heerz
hopin for good nooze, happee dayz N healthee yeerz ta come ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
We appreciate the referral. I know I've come across that site before but I think I got side-tracked and didn't actually check it out. And thank you for the well wishes - we can definitely use them!
DeleteNothing saps creativity like worry, so we get it. But, writing it all down and sharing it can be so therapeutic too so we're glad you did! We also get trying to balance all the conflicting information we can get when trying to do what's best for our pets. We went against what our vet said for Sam and she lived for many years after. I trusted my vet with Cricket's health, and we lost her. You just have to go with your gut and do the best you can, especially when they are older....and I know you do everything you can for Bear. Quality of life has to become most important. I've never dealt with diabetes myself, but I had a friend with a diabetic cat who lived for many years with his condition. We hope you get that with Bear too. Please know our hearts and hopes are with you all. ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteQuality of life is so difficult to assess since they can't talk to us! The ugly fact is that everyone can be right and we still lose - it's impossible to predict the future. Not to mention two cats can be treated the same and have completely different outcomes. I appreciate your friendship and support :)
DeleteMomma Kat, we are sorry to learn that the last several months have been challenging for you and Bear. Maybe you could get a second opinion from another local vet, just for your peace of mind and to see if there are other treatment options including possible holistic medicine). My Auntie ended up getting a second opinion from a different clinic, concerning my cousin Merly's health, as she felt she wasn't getting enough answers from her main vet. Hang in there and just know that you have our support and support from all your other blogging pals and fans. Hugs and luvs.
ReplyDeleteThank you. That means a lot.
DeleteWe are so sorry that you, Bear, Ellie and the Boy are going through this. Having a sick kitty is so hard, and we get it. Please know we love you, and that we are sending purrs, prayers, and all good thoughts. Don't worry about blogging. Take care of yourselves. We'll be here when you get back! XO
ReplyDeleteThank you. We truly are blessed with amazing, wonderful friends!
DeleteWhere do I start? To be honest I started with tears as I read about Bear Cat's health issues and your sad heart. Keep the faith. 17-year old Jasmine's kidney numbers are now better than they were when she was first diagnosed with kidney disease. We're praying for you and the fur kids and tell Ellie Mae that Lily completely understands the stress of having a sick buddy.
ReplyDeleteI know that you are getting a barrage of advice. I won't advise but just share that dealing with Tucker's and Jasmine's health issues has been a lot of trial and error. In Jasmine's case I found a natural kidney product that, I believe has helped her health (along with the Sub Q fluids and veterinary diet). Being an advocate for our fur kids means looking in all directions for help and trusting our instincts.
Sending you, Bear Cat and Ellie Mae love, purrs & head bonks!
Yay for Jasmine! For so long, it seemed like a dark tunnel - but I'm starting to see some light. I can only hope I'm doing the right thing for Bear :)
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Bear. You are such a good momma in doing all of your research and learning as much as you can. Dexter, Sophie, Olive and Harley are sending Bear good thoughts. Woodrow will send good thoughts too once he gets Ellie out of his mind.
DeleteWe're sending lots of love and healing prayers to Bear. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)